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Category: Thinking

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The MGM Resorts Shocking Cybersecurity Incident: What really caused it – and could have prevented it

Recently, two major players in the hospitality industry, MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment, found themselves sustaining direct, devastating attacks from cybercriminals. Both attacks shared a common thread: they exploited the human element within help desks, highlighting the critical need for robust training, policies, and procedures to protect against such incidents. The MGM Cyber Attack The […]

The implications for MSPs and MSSPs in CISA’s April 2023 Guidance: “Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Security-by-Design and -Default”

In the constantly evolving cybersecurity arms race landscape, it’s becoming increasingly clear that security has to be embedded into products and services from the outset, not just patched on or dealt with downstream when security vulnerabilities are found and exploited. The United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on April 13, 2023, released the […]

The dangers of ransomware attacks on NGOs and nonprofits – and how mitigation including cyber insurance can offer protection

In recent years, ransomware attacks have become a major threat to organizations of all types, including nonprofits. In fact, for cybercriminals, nonprofits make for especially vulnerable and enticing targets right now due to the true most common cybersecurity vulnerabilities, which are broader than any specific technical vulnerability, and include:  The truth is that most organizations, […]

The LastPass Breach Incident: A Tale of Two Sets of Users

Even your best cybersecurity measures can’t render your data perfectly secure.  But you can be almost perfectly secure, if you follow best practices in order to harden your systems against the most common cybersecurity vulnerabilities.  We’ll review exactly what’s meant by “best practices” below, but first let’s look at the successful attack on the password […]

Is the biggest cybersecurity threat inside your office?

The answer is yes. Here’s why – and specific steps to mitigate the threats.
The truth is that, despite dramatic plot-lines in movies and news stories, the most common cybersecurity threat isn’t from shadowy, skilled hackers, but from all-too-human mistakes and weakness within your organization. 

How to Defend an MSP Against Cyberattack

CISA (The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) is warning organizations that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could include malicious cyber activity against the U.S. and stated that “evolving intelligence indicates that the Russian Government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks.”

SaaS Applications: the hidden threat in plain sight

Cryptocurrency holdings targeted by HubSpot hackers On March 18, 2022, HubSpot discovered that a bad actor, using a compromised HubSpot employee account, breached almost 30 portals of its clients. The attack seems to have been targeted at HubSpot customers in the cryptocurrency industry.  The companies affected by the breach have said their operations were not affected and they have […]

What the NetD, Verizon, and Cyentia Reports tell us about the present and future state of cyber threats and cyber insurance

The past year has been overwhelming in many ways, but cyber threats really took off and became a primary concern for all businesses, no matter the size. The 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) summarizes four key paths, all of which pervasive and should be a focus for organizations: Credentials, Phishing, Exploiting vulnerabilities, and Botnets. […]

Cyber Insurance- War Exclusions?

In today’s digital age, war also means cyber-war.  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is likely to result in a multitude of cyber-attacks and many cyber coverage battles. Email attacks from Russia are already on a surge and carriers are carefully looking over their coverage and preparing for this cyber-war. “War exclusion” or “hostile act exclusion” generally […]

Ukraine is Changing the way we need to think about Cybersecurity.

CISA (The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) is warning organizations that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could include malicious cyber activity against the U.S. and stated that “evolving intelligence indicates that the Russian Government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks”.  CISA asks that organizations report any malicious cyber activity. Additionally, during this time, every organization should adopt […]

Insurance Market looking to Restrict Cyber Coverage

As cyber losses increase and negatively impact insurance carriers and their loss ratio, Lloyd’s of London is proposing to exclude certain coverage from their cyber-insurance policies. The company stated that it will no longer cover any losses that result from “cyber -war”. Cyber-war is a cyber-operation that disrupts the activity of a state or organization. […]

Is the IKEA hack a Wake-Up Call for MSPs?

As some of you may have heard, IKEA recently experienced an alleged supply chain phishing attack, BleepingComputer reports. This attack targeted internal mailboxes and there are suspicious emails being sent from compromised IKEA organizations and partners. Supply chain phishing attacks can be extremely harmful to an organization’s reputation and credibility because the suspicious emails come from […]

Opportunities to Increase Sales through Cyber Insurance

CISA (The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) is warning organizations that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could include malicious cyber activity against the U.S. and stated that “evolving intelligence indicates that the Russian Government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks.”